Today's LA TIMES front page poll shows Bush with a 54% disapproval rating, which is a no-brainer, but it also shows only 46% "intend to vote for Democrats in the November election" and that, dear Kossacks, is the beginning of the end for California's democratic elections.
With the Governator in power in California, who hired a Rethug to be Secretary of State, who is busy installing Diebold fraud machines all over the state to SET UP a Rethuglican overthrow of the California November election, KKKarl Rove's control of the media has created this fixed poll to convince Californians that a Rethug win in November is a possibility and, therefore, acceptable.
Another poll number in the LA TIMES should sound the alarm all over this community: KKKarl Rove's carefully woven sound bites into the MSM (sorry, Kos) produced 68% choosing "no difference" when asked "Which party in Congress do you think has higher standards of honesty and integrity? Democrats? Republicans? No difference? That means that KKKarl Rove's message has been repeated often enough to tie Abramoff to both Dems and Rethugs for the general populace. This is, as usual, brilliant on the part of KKKarl and a disaster for the rest of us who would like to see democracy reinstated in this country. We must repeat OUR message (aka the truth!) and we must stop the propaganda machine from convincing the public that King Con is making them safer by taking away their rights and Scalito's immediate confirmation is what the majority want. ALL LIES ALL THE TIME, but only Al Gore and John Kerry seem willing to stand up and call the liars by their proper names. We must shout out loud and clear, contact all the media outlets and DEMAND THE TRUTH! The majority in California are DEMOCRATS and the majority will be voting Democratic come November! And corrupt REPUBLICANS are the only members of congress who have taken anything from Jack Abramoff. The people want their vote counted and Republicans removed from office now!!