If you're anything like me (and for your sake, I certainly hope not!), you've had enough of those dry, stuffy plaintif calls to save the filibuster.
You may have been underwhelmed by John Kerry's proposed ad about this issue.
You probably wonder, where's the fun, cute, exciting ads?
Alliance for Justice to the rescue! (below the fold....)
I just got this email from Alliance for Justice:
Hi! My name is Phil A. Buster and I need your help! For over 200 years my friends Checks and Balanz have been working hard to protect the democracy that our founding fathers designed. Now, the Republican Leadership in the Senate is threatening to change the rules in the middle of the game to destroy me and hurt Checks and Balanz.
Help protect Phil and his friends.
Today, Alliance for Justice Action Campaign is launching a national campaign to save Phil and his friends, Checks and Balanz. To see the campaign ad that is running on national TV and learn more about Phil and his friends, visit www.savephil.com.
Apologies if anyone's diaried about this ad already. Th-th-th-that's all, folks....