Sad is the day, when as an american worker, i see the downfall of our way of life before those we put in office to guide our ship of staehood. Since 1991 i have been in the "real world", and have watched as our way of life and prosperity was trampled underneath the banner of progress. Well if progress means that i have to take $2.00 an hour like my Chinese brothers, you can take progress and stick it where the sun does not shine.
I started out the Nineties fresh out of High School, and thought i was invincible. Little did i forsee the road that would take me around the world and back home again. Traveling the world you realize that people are people everywhere, and things you hear on the news back home, sometimes is not true. Propoganda works 2 ways you see, it clouds the minds of those who it targets and it blurs the perception of those that produce it in the first place.
As a left leaning centrist i figure that i have a lot of people with whom i have a lot in common with. The average american is who i am. I belive in life liberty, and a $20 an hour job to pay for the stuff my wife and kids want, but dont need. Well friends and neighbors, we are the prostitutes for the 21st century. We were paid to do as we were told and shut up, and we did. We took the $20 an hour and worked our asses off and worked overtime, but when it came time to read the papers and search the net for truth we fell into bed and said im too tired.
We watched as our country proceeded to go from the country everyone wanted to be like, to the one that everyone hated. We smiled at the jokes of poloticians that called the french frogs for not letting us fly over their airspace to bomb quadaffi (spelling?) in the 80's. We giggled at the notion that our country was rife with corruption and a cesspool for corporate greed. All the while we were making twenty bucks an hour and thirty on overtime. We could care less what the government did, as long as our family was fed and we had money to go out with the fellas.
1.) I guess to really simplify this so that the neocon's and the way left can understand i should break-it-down. First we were convinced of the noble cause of democracy in which Kennedy believed in but after his assassination Lady Bird Johnson exploited into about a billion in profits on the back of the middle class. While the Upper Class children had the notion they were too good to go to war they dodged the draft and preached against it. You see a middle class american at that time would not have dreamed of dadging the draft because they had the stuff our country was made of... guts. They spilled these guts in the jungles of Vietnam and brought back many years of flashbacks and nightmares.
2.) This was the awakening of the politco's to the fact that if they controlled the news the american middle class would believe whatever crap they fed them... for a time. Then came the rise of arab extremism in the middle east with the PLO and the Iran hostage crisis. These mainly came about through U.S. and Soviet dirty handed dealing with the arabs, promising them the moon then delivering just enough to get them to do their bidding. Carter saw the need to free ourselves from the dependance on the arabs oil but was not savvy enough to handle the situation how it needed to be handled. He was ran out of the whitehouse to the tune of Hail to the Chief that Regan favored so much. Durning these first two times corporate america steamed their ship forward. They had lost the labor war to Hoffa and company, but they were smart enough to play the game and as such increased prices and salary for upper management so they didnt decrease profits, they actually increased their profits... i know your probably have a grandmother who says "i remember when new cars cost 500 dollars." Politicians and people who profit from this will say inflation blah blah blah, however it translates into big money corporations making tons of money.
3.) Finally the Cold war ended, and as such the globalites started poking their collective heads out. I figure if your not an idiot, you know that the people in charge of the one world government stuff dont want workers wages or the environmental regulations that we have here in the US. In other words they do not want to bring the quality of life worldwide UP to OUR standard, they want to bring OUR standard of living down to THEIR level. DO the math, they ones in power pay thousands and thousands of dollars in the US to GET ELECTED to a job that pays WAY less than what they would ever make in that job. I know i wanted to run for state house of representatives and did the math and it just will not work out.
So in conclusion, if your in government you are part of the problem you are not connected in any way to the comman middle class of the united states no matter what pedigree you claim. You can claim you will do what best for us, but if you do not know us how can you know what we need? We currently pay more in taxes and have less rights than our founding fathers did. They did the right thing and abolished their form of government and formed a new government more representative of they common man. We do not have representation and we are taxed to death. We should reform the sons of liberty and start dialogue to the ruling class so that they will hear what we really need and want.
I do not oppose one government for all the world so long as the basic rule of law is what OUR founding fathers set forth in the bill of rights. It is the best most insightfull list of what free men and women need. However i will oppose to my last breath a one world government in which they standard of living is based on the Chinese model or india model where the people live in sqallor while the ruling class lives in lavish palaces built and paid for by the blood sweat and tears of the middle and lower classes.