What if Bushco is pushing SS reform, and especially SS reform with personal accounts, knowing that it will fail. The problem is just not accute enough for any massive changes.
The democrats in office have a shit fit to shut down any reform, and it actually looks like they will "win".
But do they? The bases of both parties are pretty secure. The SS issue is a core issue for both - repubs want it privatized, dems want it government run.
That leaves the young up-and-coming voters who don't think SS will be around when they retire and many favor private accounts.
If the issue is killed by the dem's (or perceived to be killed by dems), it will piss off the repub base who will blame the lack of reform on the dems for years to come.
Young voters will be constantly reminded that they will probably not have any SS even though they pay into the system (fear) and that private accounts were killed by the democrats.
Absurd? Ask why there are several ranking republicans casting doubt on reform (emboldens the democrats who will take the blame).
Ask why the republicans are using the race card for privatization (might switch a few young blacks to their side based on the actuarial reality of benefit distribution).
Ask whether I'm paranoid or not? The answer to this one is obvious.