Among my usual dark thoughts on the country's continuing descent into fascism, some lighter ideas occasionally manage to bubble to the surface. One was how we refer to our enemy, the Rethuglicans. Or Repugs, or GOopers, or...what?
It occured to me that we need a more accurate term. Yes, I know Rethugs is clever and all, but I mean for the "official purposes". What can we call them in polite conversaton, or in the MSM, and make it stick? They have usurped the name of "Republican", yet nothing could be farther from the truth. A republic, by deffinition, is a state without a king. Well now, how many of them have we seen bowing before their boy-god-king? That won't work.
The wheels of my brain started spinning away...churning the creative stew. The most pervasive element of their platform is their fascism. The desire to follow Mussolini's way of thinking, to control your life from birth to death (and even beyond the two). This has to be a part of what we call them. Also, in previous posts/diaries I have read people have refered to their dominatian by the Christian Right. Someone even noted that they have devolved into pretty much the "Party of Dobson", so that should be reflected in their name.
Mushing the two together, their supposed Christianity and their blatant fascism, earlier posters developed the phrase "christofascist". Good, but too vague in my opinion. Now, in Europe, many political parties identify themselves using a two-name system. Like say, Christan Democrats or Social Democrats in Germany. So, the Rethugs in a naming system like this would be the Christian Fascists. Closer, but we're still not done.
The philosophy of fascism is usually associated most with Mussolini in Italy and with Hitler's Nazi Party in Germany. No one simply picked the name "Nazi" because it sounded good in focus groups however. In 1920s and 30s politics in Germany, most parties apparently abbreviated their full names. One of my history proffs informed me that a Democratic Socialist party was known as the "soci's" (spelling unsure of, he pronounced it SO-SHEE). The same was true for the National Socialist Party, or "Nazi". Obviuosly, they did not mean socialist as we would typically think of it.
What does this mean for our freinds the Christian Fascists you ask? Well, using these naming conventions, they would abbreviate their name, Christian Fascist, to "Crazi". I think this fits the lot of them perfectly. I certainly haven't been the first to notice many a defect with their circular logic and their insane misinterpretations of reality. This way, we have something with which to pin down just the type of bozo we are talking about.
So, when they go off claiming to be "Republican" now you'll know better. And the next time you see a Bu$Co talking head Rethuglican thinking they are so righteous and moral (vomit-inducing i know), you'll know that a far more accurate description is Crazi.
p.s. pronounced kray-zee not krats-ee, 'cause they is CRAAAAAZZY! :P