As I listen to the reports on CNN of possibly thousands, I repeat, thousands of casualties I wonder if this is not the ultimate "presidential pet goat moment."
This self baptized "war president", who is still technically on vacation, is AWOL again.
Is he returning to the White House to marshall resources? Nope. He is in San Diego to conmemorate the end of WWII. Today he was in sunny Rancho Cucamonga.
Asleep at the switch, incompetent, AWOL, all this comes to mind.
This behaviour is now obviously consistent. George is not good in emergencies. A deer in the headlights.
Some people keep their head about them when all others run like headless chicken during a crisis. W is just a deer in the headlights.
A lot of hot air W. You do well when you bully fraternity pledges. You do well when you go into a room and people bow to you. But when the going gets tough, you reach for My Pet Goat.
Because that's you W, you are worthless in an emergency, war president, riiiiight!