I wrote a letter to the San Diego Union Tribune, a real fishwrap of a bird-cage liner. Here's my letter.
If you wish, you may copy my letter and send it the SD UT. Here's their email:
If they get a couple hundred, they may publish one or two.
Make your letter different than mine, more than just changing the state.
To the editor:
As an out-of-stater, I follow politics in places, and am interested in the Busby-Bilbray race (attack of killer B's?). I note that your lap-dog editorial board has endorsed Brian Bilbray for the seat. Mr. Bilbray is a proud resident of Alexandria, VA, and has stated such on his tax form, getting many years of tax relief for this true and complete statement. Thus, he is not eligible for the seat. I am not either, but I am wondering whether I could perhaps be considered for the seat? Admittedly, I am from Illinois, and have never lived in California. My grandparents lived in Ocean Beach for many years, so I am very familiar with all local problems. Since you are now endorsing out-of-state candidates for public office, please consider my candidacy for CA-50.
Belleville, IL