Headine in Google News-
US gets fatter - and faster than ever
362 hits as of 7:30 EDT, Aug, 25.
A study done by a group called Trust For America's Health entitled F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies are Failing in America 2005 suggests that Americans are getting fat faster than ever before. It blames diet and food additives, and suggests things like
* Bolstering Preventive Care
* Leveraging Change in Food Options
* Smarter Community Design
* Improving School Nutrition and Physical Education
* Providing More Useful Information and Support
as ways to stop this trend.
I think that they are totally off the mark.
I think that Americans are armoring themselves against the truth of the state of affairs in this country. I think that we are seriously depressive as a society, and eating...over-consumption in general...is merely a symptom of a much greater malaise.
Repressed guilt. And repressed fear.
Read on for more.
Please...look at our newest automobiles. Look at the big Daimler-Chrysler hit, the Chrysler 300.

The new Ford flagship, the 500.

(Click the thumbnails for bigger views. Fatter views. Saves bandwidth. We ALL have to slim down.)
Look at the various Nissan monstrosities, the Cadillacs, the MILLIONS of SUVs. We are armoring ourselves against...
Against what? These cars will no more withstand a bomb blast than a little Honda Civic, nor will being 40 pounds heavier do much good when push comes to terrorist shove in your local mall, Baskin-Robbins or commuter train. It is just STYLE.
We are STYLIN'.
Selling wolf tickets because we are afraid (rightfully afraid, on the evidence) that we have fucked up big time and cannot back up our actions in Iraq or in the rest of the world.
I mean...neither these automobiles NOR fat Americans make any sense, right? We all know better. (Well, let's say 85% or so of us do. The other 15% are just bone deep stupid.) We are all talking about diet and exercise, all complaining about the price of gas. But we are going for the fat anyway.
Societal steroids. Uselss and dangerous bulking up.

All the same...
So, dear Kossacks...what are YOU doing to counter this trend?
What's in YOUR garage?
How fat are YOU?
Are YOU "bulking up"?
You want to change things? Want to get into the REAL grassroots work?
Change yourselves.
Society is cumulative. One fat ass breeds another gross car breeds another muscle bound fool breeds higher gas prices breeds more food additives breeds MORE fat asses breeds Blood For Oil wars breeds American style media-fascism breeds BushCo breeds the end of the world by nuclear fat boy.
I dare ya.
I got yer grassroots.
Right HERE!!!
