I was interviewed by Fox News and CNN this morning about this petition, dont know if they'll actually run the story or not. But I made it very clear to them that while most will probably support Kerry with our votes if he wins the nomination we will not support him with our pocket books and THATS really what he's after.
Its a petition for deaniacs who will NOT be giving money or time to John Kerry. The petition states everyone will decided on their own whether or not to vote for Kerry in November, but none of the undersigned will be giving him money or time.
Why reward those who worked against our cause? Why enforce the idea that Democrats will settle for a party that refuses to challenge the status quo. A block of wood is better than George W. Bush but that doesn't mean you have to donate to his campaign.
I rode a 12 hour bus ride to New Mexico to support Howard Dean because he inspires and empowers me. John Kerry does not. And my support for Howard Dean was my own personal thank you for everything he has done. None of the others have earned my support. If you feel the same way sign the petition.
If we can get more than 5,000 names on this I plan on printing out this petition and sending it to the DNC and John Kerry on March 3rd if Dean does not win by Super Tuesday. Lets show them Deans loyal supporters will NOT be rewarding them for their smear campaign.
Lets tell John Kerry the Deaniacs will NOT be paying for the loan he took on his house.
Spread this around and lets get as many names on it as possible. Send it to fellow Deaniacs, post it on blogs, forums, spread it through-out the community. If the DNC wants this movement to donate money they have to offer us the kind of leadership we support.
Spread it!