I've never seen us polled like this (if it's been done before do let me know and I'll delete) but I wonder what states we all vote in? I don't know what use this might have, exactly, except to give us all a better idea about who we are and who we are communicating with.
There are not enough slots in the poll section to list all 50 states and the various districts, commonwealths, territories and other areas of the US in one diary, so I'll do this in a series of four diaries. I will use alpabetical order for the polls and the diary title each day will include the range of locales listed in that days poll section -- just like I did on the diary you are currently reading. If you live in an Unorganized Territory of the US, you are all lumped together under that name right before Utah. If you have to ask what an Unorganized Territory of the US is, you probably don't live in one.
If you are about to move to a new state, please select the state you will be legally able to vote in come November. If you are US military or another US citizen living in a foreign country, select your state of legal residence. If you aren't a US citizen, and haven't already closed this diary in disgust at not being included, I will figure out a way to list the rest of the world if these initial US diaries prove popular. The idea here is to get as many people to respond as possible. You are under no obligation to leave a comment, but please do participate at least in the poll when your state/area comes up. Lurkers are encouraged to participate.
As to comments, post whatever you want that is related to your state or your part of your state. As long as it has to do with where you live, it isn't off-topic. Have fun, see if I care. ;-)