I posted this in the comments to the Herseth Stance thread...
But I want more attention.
I may get hammered for saying so, but I think many are responding with their hearts rather than their heads to what is ultimately a move in the chess game.
Keep in mind that issues and blow-ups like Herseth donating and supporting are EXACTLY the reason why this was raised when it was, by the evil scumbag fucks that raised it.
Think strategically, respond strategically, and contact your reps and your contacts and your people who know people who know people.
Spread the word, and help defuse the response.
My large ego tells me that I have the correct response to this wedge issue...the response that allows for conservative constituencies, that allows for liberal constituencies, that bypasses the question in a way that makes it clear that ensshrining limitations on rights into the constitution is wrong.
Tell me what you think of my opinion and my response.
tell me what you think in terms of BOTH heart and head.
My opinion is that what I have written below is insufficient to allay the concerns of the heart, but is basically neutral on content...
But that in terms of the head, it is an effective dodge/spin and deflection back onto the originators of this poisonous crap.
In short, saying to them "how DARE you try to alter the constitution to fit your personal prejudices"
Be gentle, but firm with this poor deluded soul....
Defusing this particular wedge attempt, and it is as blatant and crude an attempt at a wedge as there ever was, is really really really EASY.
First, how is it a wedge, and how is it designed to work?
It is designed to force politicians to take a stand, particularly those politicians who are silent, ambivalent, or cagey about this issue...paerticularly liberal republicans and conservative democrats in vulnerable districts.
It is designed to cement the right-wing base to the GOP stalwarts and to conservative primary challenges to liberal Republicans.
It is ALSO designed to peel off liberal support for relatively conservative Democrats in conservative districts...like Herseth...by forcing her to make a statement that will alienate BOTH the liberal/pro-gay-rights sector AND the conservative Democrats...the liberals will vote third party or stay home, and the conservatives, alienated by waffling and wishy-washiness will vote for the GOP candidate or stay home.
First, WE need to not fall into the trap, and not punish candidates who are being boxed into a corner when they try and talk their way out of it....they are attempting to say everything and nothing in order to remain attractive across a broad spectrum...repulsive as that may seem, it is political reality.
Second, if we on the liberal side of things can generate winning cash for these candidates, and ATTACH that cash to our own messages and opinions, we will gain power.
Third, the candidates themselves need to WAKE UP and THINK and GROW A BACKBONE.
The answer to this particular gordian knot is...well...Alexandrian in its direct approach.
The ANSWER is this...
In terms of legal precedent, historical precedent, founders' intent, and basic considerations of human rights, civil rights, states' rights, and the interaction between the legislature, the judiciary, the federal and state governments, there is no justification for altering or amending the constitution over this issue. None. Zero.
It is appalling and disturbing that the constitution would even be considered as a proper vehicle for enshrining such limited, narrow, and exclusive rights and definitions when there already exists numerous other local and state and federal laws and mechanisms to deal with this issue.
We need to give that message to all the now-embattled democrats looking for a way out of the maze.
Any corrections, criticisms, or advice on wording to this message are welcomed, and anyone with links or power or lines of communication to political figures in need of such a statement is welcome to steal anything, some things, all things, or no things in this message....
Just give me a job, power, and money in return!