So now we hear that even Tony Blair knew that Bush was targeting Iraq withing days of 9-11. In
The Independent Raymond Whitaker discusses a Vanity Fair article that draws on the personal account of Sir Christopher Meyer, the former British ambassador to Washington.
In a 25,000-word article in this month's American edition of Vanity Fair, Sir Christopher recounts Mr Bush as responding: "I agree with you Tony. We must deal with this first. But when we have dealt with Afghanistan, we must come back to Iraq." Mr Blair, Sir Christopher writes, "said nothing to demur" at the prospect.
Sir Christopher's account presents a new challenge to Mr Blair's assertion that no decision was taken on the invasion of Iraq until just days before operations began, in March 2003. It implies regime change in Iraq was US policy immediately after 11 September.
I have not read the Vanity Fair article, but it is worth checking into. I cannot find it online.