This little "play" was originally intended to be a response to a post in the "US Increasingly Isolated in Iraq", subthread "Is kos rooting for American deaths?" (quoting those thread titles by memory...something like that).
Scene at theoria's house (replayed at millions of other hard-"left" antiwar abodes):
"Hey, did you see the news? Two more Americans were killed in Iraq today."
"Sweet! Oh, and they killed a Belgian aid worker, too!"
"Awesome! Now, maybe some more aid organisations will pull out, leaving Iraqis hard up, and hopefully the country will get worse and worse off and turn more against Americans."
"And at the same time, Americans will turn more against the occupation and financing of the rebuilding--a double bonus!"
::high fives are exchanged::
"Excellent--I'm going to go gloat about it on Kos."
(the following is an optional component, reserved more for higher-up bloggers than for commenters)
"Oh, don't forget to strike the appropriate somber tone, and pretend like you're sad that people are dying and all--we want to act like we wish things weren't going so badly there."
"As if!"
(both laugh hysterically)
"But yeah, you're right--I'll play it down so it's not so obvious that we are sitting in our comfortable American affluence, celebrating death, disorder and misery."
"Cool. Hey, did you pick me up that latte while you were out at Barnes and Noble?"
"Sure did, and I got the Franken and Moore books while I was there."
"Hey, this is a grande triple-shot vanilla, I wanted a tall double shot iced vanilla!"
"Oh, whoops, I ordered the grande triple-shot vanilla--this must be your tall double shot iced vanilla."
"Phew! I thought I was going to have to go back out for it--and I've had a really hard day. That would have been complete and utter torture."