Those are the names to remember, not Alito. Everyone should be writing letters and calling these so-called "Moderate" Republicans and DEMANDING that they stand up with the Democrats and block this cave in to the right wing nutjobs.
Chafee, Collins, Snowe, McCain, Warner, Graham, DeWine
Chafee, Collins, Snowe, McCain, Warner, Graham, DeWine
And just for good measure, we need to be calling "our" Gang of Seven to let them know that they better regard this cave in to the right wing nutjobs as an "Extraordinary Circumstance".
Lieberman, Nelson, Salazar, Landrieu, Inouye, Pryor, Byrd
Lieberman, Nelson, Salazar, Landrieu, Inouye, Pryor, Byrd
We need to get as many ON THE RECORD as calling this an "Extraordinary Circumstance" as early as possible. This nomination will be sunk if and only if we can muster enough backlash against these Senators to get them on board the "Extraordinary Circumstance" train as quickly as possible.
That means calling them out, NOW! Don't wait. Over the course of this week and next we need to line up some Senators talking about "Extraordinary Circumstances". Chafee should be the first. Lieberman too. They are facing primary battles and if they don't get on this train, no, if they are not leading it, it should be made known that their time in the Senate is done.