We're preparing to do
again what we've already failed at
once before.
Which leads one to wonder just
why we aren't learning from our mistakes. Frighteningly, all indications are that it's a willful decision on the part of the Bush Administration. President Bush is paying lip service to the idea that we will stay in Iraq until the job is done, until we are successful. He has not, however, put forward any indication as to what the threshold of "success" actually is. The end result is a bar that can be forever lowered as the bad news piles up, meaning that creating an Iraq in which the lives of the Iraqis are better off than they were under Saddam, and creating a world in which America is actually more safe (not less) than we were before we went after Iraq, will be traded for whatever is politically expedient. In the current state of politics in this country, doing what is right (staying in Iraq until it is rebuilt) will be sacrificed for getting one's way (another 4 years to screw things up).