I was thinking about the 5 or 6 retired Iraq generals who have called for Rumsfeld's resignation.
Anyone notice what's missing from this dialog?
When ever someone of any prominence -- Howard Dean, John Kerry, The Dixie Chicks, Cindy Sheehan -- or even Joe Citizen like you or me -- has criticized the war or its prosecution, the Mighty Wurlitzer of the Right is cranked up and the dissident voices are accused of "not supporting our troops," "giving aid & comfort to our enemies," "hating America," "wanting America to fail," even of treason. The President we criticize quickly becomes "The Commander-in-Chief" and we are told that we are damaging the morale of the troops in the field who have to hear our traitorous messages on CNN.
Anyone else notice that the right-wing noise machine is not accusing these recently-retired Generals of any of these crimes?
After all, who do "our troops in the field" pay more attention to, the Dixie Chicks, or generals of our Armed Forces?
Where are the AM radio jocks and warbloggers? Why aren't they calling for these men's arrest?
I don't know what we should do about it in terms of media tactics, but I think it's a glaring inconsistency that should be raised by the left blogosphere.