"One: American jobs that will stay in America, using energy independence to generate those jobs. Two: a strong national defense based on telling the truth to our citizens, our soldiers and our allies. Three: Honesty and integrity to be restored to government. Four: A health care system that works for everybody just like they have in 36 other countries. Five: a strong public education system so we can have optimism and opportunity back in America."
- Howard Dean, The Today Show, 1/26/06
Please, let's learn it, know it, live it, put it on a card in your wallet, repeat it, put it in your signature line, have it tattooed on your pets*, and repeat it again and again and again. (As in, "staying on message." Puggies are very good at it, in case you hadn't noticed.)
And for anyone who wants to express a public mea culpa about opposing Gov. Dean for party chair last year, the floor is all yours.