On Friday I posted a dairy entitled
Does It Matter?, in which I explained that due to a workshop this coming week I would be largely absent from the electronic universe except possibly in the evening. That diary scrolled by with little visible activity. This blog is somewhat of a community, and that probably represents the judgment of the community as the worth of the diary.
And given how grateful I am for the opportunity to participate here, to have my words read and responded to by so many thoughtful people, I do not wish to appear ungrateful. I feel that I should explain my absence, in case anyone cares.
Since I will be somewhat absent during the next week, I thought I would post two more diaries. On Saturday I posted a cumulative diary containing links for all my diaries on education since December 22, 2004. It was entitled TEACHERKEN ON EDUCATION and contained an annotated list of my education diaries. As I being my "hiatus" I thought I would offer another summative diary. (more)
The rest of this diary will contain links and descriptions of a few of my recent diaries that did not get much play. Please note -- I am NOT complaining. I know that some people look for my diaries, as I look for those of some of the others. Perhaps even a few take advantage of the subscription feature to know when I have posted a diary. Thus this entry may seem a little self-aggrandizing.
Nevertheless, as I become at least for a while quite a bit less visible, I decided I did want to share one more time some of what I have written that I think is worthy of your reading. I will check these diaries for additional comments should anyone choose to add them, as I will periodically check this diary. Should this disappear without notice as quickly as some of the others have, so be it.
I have already above provided links for my two most recent diaries. One a bit earlier, based on a column in the Boston Globe by H.D.S. Greenway, was entitled ARE WE NOW LIVING IN "1984"?. Greenway explores some striking specific parallels between our own time and the Orwell novel.
HOW NCLB BEHIND ENRICHES BUSH CRONIES AND OTHERS explores a new report put out by Arizona State and written by Gerald Bracey. This discusses in detail who is making money from the education law and what the relationships are (when they exist) with the Bush family and the president,
BILL MOYERS: A MORAL TRANSACTION explores the two-page ad Moyers paid for in the Washington Post, which is an incredibly strong argument for the independence of public television. The contents have also appeared at TomPaine and been distributed by a number of the left-wing and progressive clip services.
These are just a few recent diaries that I thought might be of value to readers that did not get all that much notice.
These, and all of my more recent diaries, may be accessed through my user page.
Older diaries are also still available, even if archived, by clicking here and then simply continuing to scroll through. As of when I post, this list begins with diaries ending as of May 21, 2005.
I am honored at the attention my contributions to this site have received. I will during the next week or so miss my heavy involvement. I thank all who have conversed with me, commented in response to my writing, given me mojo, and recommended my work for others to see.
I will be back, so this is not a farewell. And I am reachable off-line at my e-mail:
kber at earthlink dot net
peace to all.
teacherken aka Kenneth Bernstein