Wow. Who knew that a single article that 99.99% of Americans won't ever see, much less read, has caused so much angst here at DKos?
Or that very few Kossacks get ironic speech? Or that so many people are looking for reasons to bash Democrats early and often? Or that certain blogger gods need to Get Over Themselves?
Some people need to have their diapers changed, methinks. (And this isn't just about Armando's diary today, though that's the straw that broke my particular back. Watching the post-Alito freakout -- over a fight that we KNEW was a long shot -- also led to my current bemusement.)
[UPDATE: And you can tell how hot the hair-triggers are around here by the calls for this diary, and/or me, to be wiped off of DKos. If DKos has become this unthinkingly het-up, then maybe I'm better off staying away from it.]