needs to take the Iowa rally speech and use it in an ad.
seriously, folks. go take a look at the whole speech, and not take the media's word for how things went down. after watching the whole campaign, tell me that things were so out of orders. the fact of the matter is that Dean got Wellstoned. people took the medias word on things and went crazy. while Dean might have been a bit better off playing things closer to the vest, there is NOTHING WRONG with what he did after Iowa.
but the media makes it seem like he killed a child.
so what can the Dean campaign do? it needs to run an ad showing the barbaric yawp. it may not be pretty, and it may not play as well as a bio ad, but it'd show people that the media got riled up about jack shit. framed the right way, this is a huge net positive for the Dean campaign. not only can they refute the "Dean is unhinged" meme, but it can plant the seed of doubt in the mind of the viewer against the media.
do an ad, fuck the media.