I've struggled with whom to support since Clark left the race.
I love Kucinich's ideas and his heart, but the mainstream media has ignored DK even MORE than they ignored Clark.
Kucinch in a more fair world would trounce the other candidates. Sadly, this is not a fair world and 99% of people will never hear his message.
Of the "Final 2" Edwards is the only southern candidate, he's the only one who's grown up poor, and who's truly anti-NAFTA.
He isn't a "Massachusetts Elitist liberal," he wasn't Dukakis's Lt. Governor, he wasn't born rich and the list goes on.
There are 5 open Democratic Senate seats in the south!
Edwards should be able to keep the open seats in the Carolinas and help us in Florida, Georgia and Louisiana. Also there are an abundance of close house races in the kind of "Red States" that Edwards does well in.
The stakes are higher then ever. Remember, Massachusetts Yankees don't fly in the south.
Kerry is perceived by many as a, dull, boring, old "Frankenstein" of a man. Whereas Edwards is a young, energetic person. My own grandfather a rabid "Reagan Republican," is as angry at Bush as he at those "damn east coast liberals." He likes Edwards. Why? Because he's him as a young new leader, and he appreciates the fact talks about our jobs going overseas.
I hope you'll join me in voting for John Edwards.