I've been doing some sort of an average on every poll that is out there, but I get the area where the margin of error within the percentages fits which each poll. In other words, if I have a poll where Kerry is within the margin of error of 26-34, 28-30, 29-32...I would get the biggest starting number-which is 29-and the smallest of the ending number-wich is 30-and that is the average polling of the margin of error percentage.
If you have no idea what I'm saying, dont' worry. Once again, polls don't really mean anything usually, but as we can see momentum in the polls for specific ppl usually comes with good results on the final day. Here are the results...
1/22 1/23
Kerry 26-31 30-31
Dean 21-24 20-20
Clark 15-19 16-18
Edwards 07-12 08-11
Lieberman 03-09 04-08
1/22 1/23
Kerry 29 31
Dean 23 20
Clark 17 17
Edwards 10 10
Lieberman 06 06
As you can see, there isn't a big change as of yet except for a Kerry increase and a Dean decerase.
Some notes to look at...
-On the 22nd, Edwards and Lieberman were fighting for 4th place from the first set of data. As of now, Lieberman is barely tied with Edwards for 4th in the first set of data.
-The only significant change is for Kerry and Dean in both sets of data. Dean has gone from 21 to 20, and 24 to 20; this has resulted in a drop in the regular percentages from 23 to 20.
Just remember, that polls aren't always right. A lot of ppl are willing to change their minds.
All these polling data sets came from the following polling places from this website...
...and Zogby, which was not mentioned.
More polling date tomorrow. Btw, sorry if my polling numbers are not aligned.