Hello? Look at the whole of the Iraq Operation... Rumsfeld and Rove ran this war under the motto of "We're looking for a few good yes men." Looting... No armor... Abu Graib... Miller from Gitmo to Iraq... Lt. Gen. Garcia a major liar and suck up... Karpinski... Trust Sistani... Since when have qualifications ever been important to these clowns.
Too little too late Time Magazine!... Your list is a day late and a dollar short... You want incometents... look at the elephant in the room. Iraq was and is full of Mike Browns and continues to be.
More below...
Pat Tilman saw it... Wes Clark saw it... The whistleblowers from the 82nd airborne saw it... Shinsecki saw it... And what about Tommy Franks... He called Douglas Feith "the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth." Or as James Fallows said wrote of Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Feith "they were brilliant, and they were fools."
Read the book Generation Kill... You have Colonels - who were once logistics officers - in charge of the invasion force... and on the eve of the war, what are they worried about... getting Hot Dog and Pizza Hut Deliveries for "troop morale". On the eve of the commencement of operations, you have guys on the tip of the spear of the invasion buying their own mail order kevlar turret shields and computer equipent...
You have Sergeant Majors threatening skilled and disciplined fighting men with court martial for having their shirt tails out and their mustaches an eigth of an inch too long.
You have complete chaos in Baghdad and no assignment for our marines.
To paraphrase Herr Rumsfeld.. you don't go to war with the leaders you want... you don't even go with a bunch of Boy Scouts... You go with a bunch of Brownies...
Fuck the communists at the ANSWER protest... Fuck David Brooks for dismissing us as angry... Fuck the concerns about who we are in bed with on this... THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION IS ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INCOMPETENT AND PEOPLE ARE DYING... We have a right to demand competence!!! And we have a right to be angry when a President repeatedly gives us incompetence. Kerry was wrong... this is not the Katrina Administration... It is the Brownie Administration... Brownies as in pre-pubescent little girls... Brownies as in ass kissers... Brownies as in incompetent margarita drinking frat boys with a sense of entitlement and no fucking clue...
Please use this as an open thread to identify the Brownies - past and present - involved in Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom... including the asshole who came up with those Orwellian names.