It's only a temporary fix, but if you're just too stressed out by it all, take a break. Go get your hands on The Daily Show book,
America (the Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction. I picked it up during my lunch hour, and have only made it through one chapter (and the foreword by Thomas Jefferson), but have laughed out loud at least half a dozen times.
I was sold on finding it organized like a high school textbook, with all the engaging charts, pull-out quotes, and timelines you'll find in the new graphically-oriented textbooks (you can't expect the little darlings to read TEXT, can you?). The "review" blurbs on the back cemented it for me.
"So informative, I even found out who I was." --Albert Gallatin, Sec. of Treasury, 1801-14
"Cruelly wrested from the hands of my ancestors or not, AMERICA makes a great read!" --Chief Standing Ox, Navajo Nation
"Lorm ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur adispisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididiunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua!" --Cicero
There are a ton of things just from the first chapter I'd love to share, but have to contain myself. Here's a favorite: "Were You Aware? The Roman Republic lasted 558 years, or approximately 557 years longer than any elected Italian government since."
Since lunch hour is over and I do have to get back to work, I'll just leave you with some "Jefferson" from the foreword.
My point is composing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution was hard work. God didn't dictate it for us to transcribe from some sort of dictation-transcribing machine. Hey, did I just invent something? Do you have anything like that? You do? Hmm. Well, our purpose was to create a living document based on principles that transcended the times we lived in, and I think we did that. We created a blueprint for a system that would endure, which means your lazy asses shouldn't be coasting on our accomplishments. We were imperfect. It was imperfect. And we expect our descendents to work as hard as we did on keeping what we think is a profoundly excellent form of government supple, evolving, and relevant. After reading this book, you should be better prepared to do just that.
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you might even think!