I rarely bother reading or responding to right-wing sites -- it's a waste of time -- but I stumbled across something on The National Review's "The Corner" today that had to be noted.
The riots in France confront John Derbyshire with a tough question: who does he hate more, French people, or Arabs and Africans?
...[I]f I have to take sides in this fight, I'm ready to swallow the Francophobia I took in with my mother's milk and take a stand with the heirs of Montesquieu, Voltaire, Stendhal, Balzac, Hugo, Flaubert, Delacroix, Ingres, Manet, Rodin, Berlioz, Chopin, Lavoisier, Pasteur, Lemaitre, Viete, Descartes, Cauchy, Fourier, Laplace, Poincare, Hadamard, de Tocqueville, and a couple of thousand other builders of Western civilization who just had bad luck with their place of birth, against a rabble of drug dealers, pickpockets and jihadis from the souks of Barbary.
Turns out it's the brown folks. What a shocker! I guess the cheese eating surrender monkeys intellectual giants of French history can be rehabilitated right quick, if it's a choice between La France and the dusky peoples.
No word yet from Pat Buchanan.