Common Dreams: "Critics See Drug Industry Behind Mental Health Plan" . The Common Dreams link is a more palatible article link for an earlier post I made ( see: .) This is a bi-partison issue, something which most of us who voted against Bush would agree on with those who voted for Bush.
I'm re-posting the links below for the sponsors/co-sponsors (unfortunately mostly Dems., did they read the entire report???) and the actual report. Please pay close attention to the report "recommendations" under "Goals" 4, 5, and 6.
This issue is dire. Who didn't have a teacher who took a dis-liking to them for some mean-spirited reason? I had more than one target me because my parents were divorced, I could seem them referring me to be medicated if they had the opportunity.
For House sponser/co-sponsers of appropriating funds for the Report's recommendations (House Resolution 292, 108th Congress, dated 10/02/03, titled: "Expressing the sense of Congress that Congress should adopt and implement the goals and recommendations provided by the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health through legislation or other appropriate action to help ensure affordable, accessible, and high quality mental health care for all Americans."), see: .
For "New Freedom Commission On Health" final report text see: (PDF files) or (HTML pages)
The report is easier to review if you download the full report as a pdf file: .