I want to thank everyone who has checked out my blog,
k/o during its inaugural week.
The response has been really heartening, especially all those who have dropped comments. It's appreciated.
I know some folks are wondering what the hell I'm up to going off to the side like this. But, I have to admit that it just feels like the right thing to do.
For one thing, I'm able to write pieces on k/o that pick up the thread of what I was working on when I left off writing on the front page here:
- culture
- the politics of community
- stuff from a progressive / green angle
- the long term
- pieces that are just more personal
These are all subjects that, frankly, I
should be talking about and benefit from sitting side by side in one place, imo. It's like, to use a farming analogy, I've got a garden that I can plant with all my different crops side by side and watch them grow. It's cool. And the ability to link and interact with other like-minded blogs is pretty phenomenal as well. My eyes have already been opened.
Now, some folks have expressed concern that I would dissappear from this community....or the communities at LSF, my left wing or booman.
Not gonna happen.
There are some pieces and comments that really only could be written in the context of the dKos community where they can be seen and criticized by busy folks who don't have time to surf a zillion blogs. I recognize that, and expect that I'll show up here, and other community blogs, as a comment maker and occasional diarist...(and as a dedicated reader as well.)
However, I've got to admit that k/o feels like a good home for me...and I'm fine with it finding it's own voice and level. I'm putting up content the best I can, and you are welcome to check it out and comment if you wish.
I won't be coming over here to toot my horn (ahem...except I'm doing that right now of course...cough, cough) or crossposting content. I'm not a big fan of doing that...it makes the comments all split up....and, at the end of the day, I think dKos is and should be an incubator for new voices. So, let me just say, thanks in advance for checking me out at k/o if you have the time and inclination to do so
See you around the internets.
paul / kid o.