So far, we've discussed books that have changed our lives, changed the way we look at things, changed our political, personal, or social outlook.
This week, let's pretend.
Let's pretend a conservative republican friend or relative of yours has promised to read one book of your choice, just one book, and you have to choose very, very carefully...
Read on, please...
You have several choices.
- 1) Beat them over the head with something like Stupid White Men or Lies and the Lying Liars.
- 2) Use subtlety, have them read something allegorical and beautiful to change their heart. Stranger in a strange land comes to mind, but that's just because it's one of my favorites.
- 3) Direct literary allusion, 1984, Animal Farm, Elmer Gantry and the like.
- 4) Political History
- 4) Something I hadn't thought of yet.
I did a diary some time ago about living in the progressive echo chamber. One of the points discussed was breaking out of that and taking your way of thinking to others. Talking, one person at a time, and at least getting them to question.
So, your Uncle Festus owes you a big favor, and being the literary sort that he is, offers to read any one book and really read it, with an open mind. Assuming Uncle Festus' head doesn't explode as soon as he makes that statement, what, from your large collection of books, do you hand him?
What book do you suggest to a conservative to hope to crack open the hard shell of obdurate belief that encases what was once a living, breathing brain?
Suggestions, and as always, "What have you read lately" welcome.