What motivates Republicans? What motivates the neo-con cabal that, for the past six years, has run roughshod over everything Americans held sacred? Why do these seemingly intelligent people do things that are the Costanzian opposite of what I would do? It's a question I've been struggling with for a while now and I'm not sure that I'll ever truly know the answer.
Why do these people believe that war is the way to peace? Why do these people believe that with they can actually win war against an idea? Why do these people, in the face of mountains of eveidence, view global warming as either a "theory" or a "hoax"? Or do they believe any of these things?
What can the possible motivations be?
A desire to do "the right thing"? This is the one that I would most like to believe, but really can't. No matter how much I try to empathize, no matter how much I try to see the logic in their ways, I truly cannot believe that with the way they handle the key issues today (Iraq/Middle East, the environment, the economy, healthcare, etc.) that bright people could come to the conclusions they do. I'd actually have some respect for people who believed they were doing the right thing. But I don't seen them in this crowd.
Money? Sure, money's great, and we all wouldn't mind having a little more. But how much is enough? And what are you going to do with that money if there is no planet left on which to enjoy it? And is it all for you or for your descendants (hence the opposition to any Paris Hilton tax)? But the more you destroy our world, the less there will be for your children and grandchildren to enjoy. I believe it has a lot to do with money, but I find it hard to believe that all of these people are that shortsighted (well, except you, Mr. Inhofe).
Sex? I'm sure this is it for a lot of them, but I perfer not to think about it. Let's move on...
Religion? Again, for a naive few, I imagine that they see that this is truly the justification for their actions. Some want to bring on the rapture. Some want to do right by their version of G_d. And I don't say naive because these people are religious. More I see them as naive (or perhaps Machiavellian) for going along with the others in their party who use religion at their convenience.
Power? It's the ultimate aphrodisiac, isn't it? I tend to believe it could be power more than purely money. The subjugation of the press, the corruption of the election process, the constant preying on the fears of an undereducated, underinformed electorate... all make it easier to hold onto the power you have. And if you have the power, you control the money, to a great extent. But you also control the things that money can't buy: respect, fear, the (forgive me for a second) sexuality of power. I'm a little more inclined to believe that it's power, but I hesitate to conclude it's entirely the power because so much that they do seems to doom them to lose it. Although you could attribute this to being so drunk on power that they can't see it.
Other? If you think it's something else, tell us about it below.
Pie? Well, as good as a nice pecan pie is, I don't think it's worth the price that the world has paid over the past six years.