What we want is media talking heads on TV asking prominent Republicans
1) Four years after 9/11, do you consider this level of federal incompetence and negligence in a massive crisis acceptable?
2) How do you explain the president's failure to understand that the levees could break when this danger has been widely publicized for years?
3) Isn't it a failure of leadership by the president to put inexperienced individuals in positions of critical importance?
4) Do you think the rest of the world is impressed by the American government's failure to save its own citizens' lives after a predictable disaster?
5) Is it acceptable for the president to tolerate members of his administration placing blame on the victims of this disaster?
6) Doesn't real leadership demand that the president accept accountability rather than trying to shift the blame?
7) Shouldn't the president, for the good of the country, step aside so that his demonstrated incompetence doesn't cost the lives of more Americans?
How can we force Republican after Republican to defend incompetence that cost American lives or throw Bush under the bus?
Prominent Democrats should demand his resignation. Now.