I've got a few suggestions:
For those who like Dean:
Also Sprach Zarathustra, the theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey
Just say "Dean" with every beat, like so: Dean...Dean...Dean...DEAN DEAN!!!...etc.
For those who don't like Dean:
The Imperial March, from the Star Wars trilogy
Just do the same thing as above.
For those looking for a little whimsy:
Monty Python's SPAM Song
Dean Dean Dean Dean! Lovely Dean! Wonderful Dean!
Are we beginning to see a pattern, here?
For the religious:
Amazing Grace
Amazing Dean, how sweet the sound...
For the traditional:
Deandean was all my joy, Deandean was my delight, Deandean was my heart of gold, and who but my Howie Deandean?
For the Classic Rocker:
Dream On, by Aerosmith
Dean on, Dean on, Dean on, Dean on 'til your Dean comes truuuuue...
For your rap lover:
OPP, by Naughy By Nature
You down with Howard Dean? Yeah, you know me!
For the kiddies:
The theme from Sesame Street
Howard Dean, sweeping the clouds away...