The case of the Art students
- 120 Israeli Art students attempted to penetrate the security of dozens of Federal buildings during 2000 and 2001
- The same students used addresses near those used by a number of the 911 hijackers.
- Their actions were so worrisome that the DEA had a June 2001 report on them, speculating they were spying on Islamic nationals
- A page from Israel had info about the attack shortly before the 1st plane hit
What is the tie to Able Danger ?
As I already explained, a computer doing data mining,
even a Pentagon supercomputer could not have come up with much less than 20,000 matches for the "mined" terrorist names
Who helped Able Danger filter the list ?
Some other source - someone - culled the initial huge list from Able Danger. Could it have been the Israelis ? IMHO yes because:
- Israelis seem to have known who to watch before 9/11
- They did not share information with FBI, just like Able Danger's SOCOM didn't...
- Hard Line Zionists at the Pentagon gained a lot after Bush took the WH
Update [2005-8-27 21:5:44 by lawnorder]: After a long time researching the diary I forgot to add my 2 cents:
- I don't believe ANYONE knew in advance that the attack was going to kill thousands of people. Not even the terrorists themselves
- I don't believe ANYONE but the hijackers let it happen on purpose
- I do believe some people knew a big attack (Madrid sized) was going down.
- I also believe it is possible that some people held off intel about the attack from Clinton, to give Bush an edge
- And finally, I believe Bush's team arrogance and incompetence prevented them from taking effective action despite repeated warnings by Congress, FBI, CIA, DOD, Mossad, German intel, Russian Intel, etc.. that something was amiss
Disclaimer: The author Wayne Madsen has published some doozies!
I remember his election fraud story where a bribe was paid by check, a check he had a copy of... As if any briber would be that stupid, when Good OLE Cash could do the same bribing and be untraceable.
But this article seems very well researched
Lots of bits and pieces of 9/11 facts and stories that have been ignored by the MSM.. Are they all related ? Probably not, but it is interesting to see 9/11 has a lot more to it than it meets the eye... Besides, the original article's reference session is a veritable treasure trove of 9/11 links -- law
The Art students / alleged spies
3 comment(s).
It was an intelligence operation directed against the United States and the American people. Elements of false flags, security penetrations, photographing America's critical infrastructure, and spying on Arab cells in the United States all point to a well-coordinated operation that was tolerated by senior members of the Bush administration. The results of a three and a half year investigation now revealed.
The presence in the United States of a number of young Israelis, most of whom had specialized military and intelligence backgrounds, in the months prior to 911 is a subject that has received inadequate attention from the major U.S. media and government investigators. The activities of the Israelis fell into two main areas: the casing of the offices and homes of Federal law enforcement officials, U.S. military bases, and other sensitive sites by Israeli "art students" during 2000 and 2001 and the unusual activities of Israeli "movers" around sensitive areas during and after 911. These incidents occurred in tandem with the suspiscious activities of other former Israeli military and intelligence officials in neighboring countries, including Canada and Mexico, after 911. In addition, a number of Israeli intelligence agents were apprehended abroad for passport violations and other illegal activities.
The possibility that the suspicious Israeli activity was linked to the movements of Al Qaeda cells cannot be brushed aside as merely coincidental. For example, a number of the Israelis arrested for suspicious activities involving selling bogus Israeli art and driving moving vans were concentrated in some of the same neighborhoods where a number of the 911 Saudi and other Arab hijackers lived and trained at flight schools.
Two internal U.S. government documents revealed that among the 120 Israeli "art students" who attempted to penetrate the security of dozens of Federal office buildings and who visited the homes of scores of U.S. law enforcement personnel during 2000 and 2001 were some who used addresses and mail drops in southern Florida and Texas near those used by a number of the 911 hijackers. The information came from a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Report drafted in June 2001 on the activities of the art students and a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) list of the hijackers and other terrorist suspects, accidentally released in early October 2001 on a Finnish government web site. The DEA memo specifically stated that the Israelis may have had ties to an "Islamic fundamentalist group."
The five "dancing Israelis"
Other suspected Israeli intelligence activity surrounding 911, including the arrest by New Jersey police near Giants Stadium of five Israelis who were seen celebrating, high-fiving, jumping up and down, and videotaping the collapse of the World Trade Center, was reported by the media.. The Israelis were later linked to an Israeli-owned office moving company called Urban Moving Systems .. After serving two and a half months in prison and after a barrage of official complaints from the Israeli government, the five Israeli "movers" (Kurzberg, his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Elner, and Omer Marmari) were released over the objections of the CIA and permitted to return home. .. Paul said his client once worked for Israeli intelligence in "another country."[24] ... In Washington, Israeli embassy spokesman, Mark Regev, dismissed the espionage charges, claiming the excitement of the Israelis seeing the World Trade Center collapse was due to "youthful foolishness."[29].. On September 14, 2004, the five "dancing Israelis" filed suit against the United States in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn for wrongful arrest and imprisonment... A number of interesting facts are stated in the Israelis' complaint. It states that some of the Israelis were classified as being "of high interest" to the government's terrorism investigation.. They were "housed in one of the most highly restrictive prison settings possible.. [and] .. Silvan Kurzberg was required to provide a blood sample while in prison, an indication that federal authorities may have had some DNA evidence they wanted to match.. ."
Mossad has ears everywhere, what else is new ?
Small teams of Mossad agents found with eavesdropping equipment are nothing new to European or American law enforcement. [For example] In February 1998, five Israelis, three men and two women, were arrested in an apartment in the suburbs of Berne, Switzerland. The Israeli team managed to convince the police that they did not break and enter into the apartment but were there legally. The apartment was the residence of an Islamic activist. .
But Israel's apparent advance knowledge of 9/11 angered FBI agents
Vince Cannistraro, the former operations chief for counter-terrorism for the CIA, said that a search of the CIA's national intelligence database turned up some of the names of Israelis arrested in New Jersey. He said a number of people in the U.S. intelligence community concluded that Urban Moving was a Mossad operation and the Israelis were pursuing Islamist radicals in the New Jersey-New York area and particularly in Patterson, New Jersey. Pauline Stepkovich, who lived across the street from Urban Moving, told ABC News that FBI agents removed about a dozen boxes and computers, enough to fill up two SUVs. Cannistraro told ABC News that the FBI was concerned that the Israeli movers had some advanced knowledge of the 911 attacks but failed to warn the United States. "The fear of some of the FBI investigators in this particular case was that this group had some advanced knowledge of what was going to happen on 911. And once they understood there was an Israeli connection--an Israeli intelligence connection--they became very disturbed, because the implication was that the Israelis may have had some advanced knowledge of the events of 911 and hadn't told us," Cannistraro said.[27] Israeli intelligence foreknowledge about the 911 attacks was confirmed by two senior-level intelligence officials at the CIA and FBI.[28]..
Alas, Bushies were knee deep in bed with Israeli money: Delay, Abramoff and the Senate cellphone scandal
By December 2000, LGC had cleared its plans with the Capitol Architect, the House Information Resource Office, and the House Administration Committee [to be the cellphone provider for the Senate] However, soon a new Israeli company named Foxcom Wireless, which changed its name to MobileAccess, began making an end run to secure the Capitol wireless contract. The new chairman of the House Administration Committee, Republican Representative Bob Ney of Ohio, clearly favored MobileAccess over LGC and in 2002, the Israeli company received the House wireless contract. Ney had a close poltical and financial relationship with GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff, an extreme pro-Israeli political insider, who came under Justice Department investigation for questionable ties to Ney and House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. It was later revealed by The Washington Post that in 2001 MobileAccess donated $50,000 to the Capital Athletic Foundation, which was run by Abramoff. In 2004, MobileAccess paid $240,000 in lobbying fess to Greenberg Traurig, Abramoff's former firm. The ranking member on the House Administration Committee, Democratic Representative Steny Hoyer of Maryland, said he was not kept fully informed of the wireless contract by either Thomas or Ney. LGC also cried foul when, in 2004, the U.S. Senate awarded MobileAccess a $3.9 million contract to install a wireless network for the Senate.[49] ... Ian Sugarboard, LGC's CEO told The Hill newspaper, ". . . it appeared that lobbyists had exerted undue influence on the deal." In addition, the House Administration Committee did not specify what security criteria MobileAccess had to meet. The FBI and NSA had previously approved LGC's security countermeasures.[50]
Abramoff curious ties to mortal enemies: Saudis and Israelis
Abramoff's strong connection to Israel and his influence in the Bush administration serve as yet another nexus between Israel, the Bush administration, and officials closely connected with Saudi Arabia. Top GOP adviser and Abramoff friend Grover Norquist, who was Abramoff's campaign manager when he ran for President of the College Republicans (a post also once held by Karl Rove), also maintained close links to a number of Saudis, some of whom were implicated in funding terrorism. Norquist was a cofounder of the Islamic Institute, co-located in Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform offices in Washington, DC. Norquist was a key player in the Bush 2000 outreach for Muslim and Arab voters. Sami al Arian, a University of South Florida professor, was an ardent supporter of Bush's Florida campaign to woo Muslim and Arab voters and his support likely helped tip the close election to Bush. The Islamic Institute was founded in 1999 with start up money from Kuwait; Qatar; other Arab countries; the founder of the American Muslim Council, Abdurahman Muhammad Al Amoudi; and two Islamic non-profits, the Safa Trust and the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT). In 2002, as part of Operation Greenquest, the FBI raided Safa and IIIT for their role in financing international terrorism. Another one of Al Amoudi's groups, the International Relief Organization, was suspected of laundering Saudi money to terrorist groups. Although Arian and Al Amoudi were later charged by the federal government with supporting terrorist groups, they maintained close ties to the Bush campaign. ]
The Terrorist who visited Rove before 9/11
diaried this yesterday
Just a few months before the 911 attacks, Arian attended a June 2001 White house briefing with Karl Rove. Suhail Khan, the White House point man for arranging access to Bush by prominent Muslim-Americans and a former director of the Islamic Institute, was the son of the late imam of the Santa Clara, California mosque. The mosque had once hosted Dr. Ayman al Zawahiri, the second in command of Al Qaeda. .., Norquist's friend Al Amoudi was also discovered to have links to the 911 hijackers. German police files indicated that Al Amoudi met in the fall of 2000 Mohammed Belfas, an Islamic leader in Hamburg who once shared an apartment with Ramzi bin al-Shibh, a kingpin behind the 911 attacks. One of Belfas's colleagues, Agus Budiman, had accompanied Belfas on a scouting mission to Washington, DC in late 2000. Budiman pleaded guilty to helping Belfas obtain a phony identification card using a non-existent address in Arlington, Virginia. German police obtained a photograph from Belfas's Hamburg apartment showing a meeting between him, Budiman, and Al Amoudi in Al Amoudi's Arlington, Virginia office. [52]
Former Israeli Prime Minister: 9/11 Very Good for Israeli-US Relations
Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer NYT
JERUSALEM, Sept. 11 -- Israeli officials and most Palestinian leaders condemned the attack on the United States today. But Israelis also took cold comfort in concluding that Americans would now share more of their fears, while some Palestinians rejoiced at the same thought.
There were declarations of sympathy for the victims from both Israelis and Palestinians, as well as anxious telephone calls to friends and relatives in the United States. But politics is never far behind any human reaction here. And each side in this conflict saw in today's attack confirmation of its view of the bond of the United States and Israel -- that the two nations fought, and now suffered, together.
Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, "It's very good." Then he edited himself: "Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy." He predicted that the attack would "strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we've experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror." [More tactful, Sharon limited himself to condemning the attack -- law]