Although it looks like this will be a busy day at Kos with the nuclear showdown looming - prospects in Connecticut for public financed campaigns is looking pretty good. The two main bills proposed for this effort, collectively dubbed "The Clean Elections Bills", have successfully passed out of the finance and appropriations committees (Monday) and the CT House floor vote will likely be next week or the end of this week.
Please call everyone, your state reps and senators today (be they democrat or republican) to express your support for public financed campaigns (The Clean Elections reforms) in Connecticut. Hell, even give the new Govenor a call while your at it!
CT House Dems - 1 800 842 1902
CT House Repubs - 1 800 842 1423
CT Senate Dems - 1 800 842 1420
CT Senate Repubs - 1 800 842 1421
Govenor Jodi Rell - 1 800 406 1527
CCAG (Connecticut Citizens Action Group) has hired someone to organize a bipartisan phone banking effort to targetted house constituents to ask them to call their reps. Our 4-person effort last night targetting Deborah Heinrich's people was foiled by having the Repub House 1-800 number listed on top of each call sheet by mistake...a mistake not discovered until later in the evening. (We called Rep. Heinrich directly to straighten things out and got her word that she's voting for it whenever it comes up.)
...Our take from last evening's experience is that this effort obviously needs help and I could think of no worthier crew than the folks here at Kos who are CT residents or know CT residents.
A summary of the CCAG position can be found here
This bi-partisan effort has a decent chance but we need to hold its hand, like a good parent, until its signed sealed and delivered to Govenor Rell.