The Chicago Tribune December 5, 2003
Bush misled America on Iraq, Clark asserts
By Jill Zuckman, Tribune national correspondent
NASHUA, N.H. -- Intensifying his criticism of President Bush's handling of foreign policy, retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark accused
the administration Thursday of misleading the American people with "the greatest, most wasteful, disastrous bait-and-switch" by
invading Iraq in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
In a frequently personal critique, Clark told an overflow crowd at Daniel Webster College in Nashua that Bush "misled the American people" and Congress, and never presented evidence for invading Iraq.
"Instead of using the bully pulpit as a foundation for leadership in America, this administration is all bully and no pulpit," he
said. "It doesn't feel an obligation to tell the truth. It doesn't feel an obligation to make a convincing case."
Clark's remarks come as two new polls show him moving into third place in New Hampshire while Sen. John Kerry (D.-Mass.) is losing ground among voters but holding on to second place, behind former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean.
In his talk, Clark, a Vietnam veteran and former supreme commander of NATO, promised to end the war in Iraq, bring home U.S. troops and use
military force only as a last resort. He said his first act as president would be to "put the pre-emptive strike doctrine through the shredder."
Clark said the war in Iraq had nothing to do with the war on terrorism. "Many in the military knew this was a bad idea to go after Iraq," he said. "They knew it early and they knew this administration--even as President Bush was promising Osama bin Laden dead or alive--this administration was planning a bait-and-switch."
Clark said Bush has since handled himself poorly. "Only someone who hasn't seen war firsthand would say something as fatuous as `bring it on,'" Clark said. "You don't make policy by taunting the enemy."
He disagreed with the administration's decision to lock out people who want to witness the arrival of caskets at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. He said Bush has failed to comfort soldiers' families.
"He'll go to a dozen fundraisers for re-election, but he won't go to one single home and put his arms around a mother who's lost her child, and that's wrong," Clark said.
"Instead of using the bully pulpit as a foundation for leadership in America, this administration is all bully and no pulpit," he said. "It doesn't feel an obligation to tell the truth. It doesn't feel an obligation to make a convincing case."
I must say, Clark's sharp, continuous, and accurate criticism of Bush's handling of Iraq is as good an example as any of what continues to keep me solidly in his camp. Moreso than Dean, I want to see Clark debate Bush, and I suspect that if he gets the chance that he won't let up on that smirking frat boy for a minute.
I wonder if his "all bully, no pulpit" comment was stemmed from the now-popular "All Patriot - No Act" phrase Clark's supporters use for him?