The Ohio Democratic Party is finally showing some gutts by putting on a TV ad about the GOP Coin-Gate scandal. The 30 second TV ad which began to air yesterday links Taft and other top GOP statewide officeholders with the state's failed rare-coin investment with infamous Tom Noe.
The ad connects Taft and three GOP candidates for governor (Auditor Betty Montgomery, Attorney General Jim Petro and SoS Ken Blackwell) directly to the Tom Noe and blames them for being asleep at the switch. The ad indicts the corrupt GOP for "pay-to-pay" and "pay-to-steal".
You can watch the ad at Ohio Democratic Party site and thank them by making donations.
The ad could have been more effective but we should be glad that the Ohio Democratic Party has woken up and taken the first step in the right direction.
The Toledo Blade story about the TV ad can be read here.