Try Greg Werkheiser. He just put a website up today at
Werkheiser for Delegate
This guy is seriously a future governor or president - he's on the way up and we need to support the AAA/minor leagues of the party in order to create the leaders for tomorrow.
Check out the website - this guy has done everything, from founding a political training institute for young leaders and candidates (award winning), writing speeches for Mark Warner and the Clintons, to winning a Pro-Bono attorney of the year award for saving an Indian Tribe's land in New Jersey.
And I won't lie - he's a good friend of mine and really impresses me in everything that he does. His charisma and sense of humor are really what separate him from other candidates out there. I saw him speak at a higher education event a couple of months ago and the crowd was laughing every 10 seconds. But they were also knocked off their feet by his passion for improving the state of Virginia.
And if you think about it, supporting guys like Werkheiser signals to the party that we're tired of the same old same old. We're going to find new blood to bring energy back into the party.
Please consider visiting his site, reading about him, and giving a small contribution. Just like Dean, national netroots support can really push someone to astronomical heights...
The guy he's running against is ultra-conservative, anti-gay, and sitting in blue territory (John Kerry won his district last year).
So I hope I'm not being too dramatic, but if you donate to this guy, you'll look back years from now and know that you helped start something big.