For those of you who don't think it is "time" to talk about the politics of this devastating tragedy, then I will simply suggest you read this later or not at all. I am not on your timeline I am afraid and I must put this to paper now.
I would argue that except for the cause, the two events at the catostrophic level are the same. People in trouble - need help - respond. Simple logical...
Well having said that we did KNOW about the hurricane coming and we would probably not know in advance about a terrorist attack, but the end result would be the same. Those of us not directly affected would have to respond with help.
So with that in mind we have had our first official life-like terror drill and from where I sit, our government has failed MISERABLY.
So Democrats do you want to appear stong on National Security? The call BushCo out on this one. TAKE HIM ON!
In the past four years we have endured hysterical fear-mongering. People (not me) have happily given up their personal freedoms sacraficed them to the great gods of the war on tara. People like me have been patted, poked and prodded at the airport on almost a weekly basis. People have wrapped their houses in plastic thinking they would be protected from chemical biological attacks. We were warned to watch for poison pens and many did. I think we have done our fair share here. Don't you?
Now it is time for the government to step up to the plate and do their fair share. The GOP ideologues don't give a damn about the survival of average or poor Americans as evidenced by this hurricane fiasco. There were things that could have been done to limit the extent of the dammage. They were not done.
But more importantly, as we were giving up many precious elements of our Democracy we believed (I didn't) that building your behemouth Homeland Security Agency would yield some results. We believed (and this I even fell for) that our government was spending a part of those bazillions of dollars in creating emergency evacuation plans.
The GOP obession with terror, or as Bush says it "Tara", indicated to me that you would at least have some ego-driven need to design the "savior" plan in the even of an emergency. We believed that you would never let a terrorist get the best of us again. I believed this because it is so clearly "all about you", Mr. President... and narcissists don't like looking bad.
Even if there was a successful attack, we believed that the GOP controlled government had been making plans to mitigate the dammage in human terms.
Of course, we didn't know for sure because everything is one big secret unless of course you are a top secret agent / operative for the CIA and then everybody knows your name...
Well George and GOPers, simply going back to your office for a photo-op is not enough after as I count it FIVE days of real opportunity to help people have already passed since this hurricane entered the national consciousness.
You GOPers gambled with people's lives. I can only hope that you have bet and lost your political career. I am hoping that people will see your willful disregard for human life. I am hoping that people will understand that whether it is a hurricane or a terrorist at the root of a full-scale tragedy there is absolutely NO evidence that you have done even the simplest thing to prepare: create a response plan.
For those of you out there in TV-land that will argue that it is a local and state function to respond to disasters, I will say that is essentially ridiculous for events of this scale. I am not impressed with either at the moment, but I have greater sympathy for state and local officials who do NOT have the ability to call in the full resources of this amazingly wealthy and resource rich country.
The locals cannot "pull the trigger" on a complete and conprehensive response. Only the GOP can do that - now. Perhaps whilst running for their political lives the GOP will start to throw resources at this problem, but it will be disingenous as usual. Don't give them an ounce of credit. Show them the homeless that could still be in their homes if not for their blatant neglect. Show them the children who have lost parents. Show them the man who jumped to his death at the Superdome.
And just what do you think the terrorists think now? I suspect they too are surprized at the lack of a response plan. It is a valid question that the Democrats should raise. Where are the evacuation plans Mr. President? Why wasn't there a specific plan drawn up by the Department of Homeland Security for each major city in the United States? What in the hell have you been doing with all that cash anyway? What the hell have you been doing with MY tax dollars, Mr. President? What about this war on tara? You haven't even done the basics.
So what I want for Christmans in September is a Democratic Party that will TAKE THEM ON. Call the GOP out on their NEGLECT. Anyone arguing that this is too complex a concept for the American people is a fool.
People like me believe that there is no other activity for government to engage in that is more legitimate or important than protecting the citizens of a nation.
Now the Democrats need to demand that the GOP make some room at the table for the American people. The time is now to make Americans special for a change. It is time to tell the special-interests to scavage for crumbs. The meal - the GOP's gravy train - is paid for by us. We want something in return for our trouble.
Millions will be homeless. I am writing this for the millions of people who will be homeless. I am demanding satisfaction for the people in my country who have had their lives ripped apart and who deserve our real and tangible support from not just the Red Cross or Salvation Army, but from our government.
Billions weekly in Iraq and a few million over years to shore up a levee? It is all on credit anyway why did we have to choose one or the other? The GOP left the levee and they left the American people exposed. It is not right. The GOP ideology is bad for America. It is that simple.
The millions of homeless have paid into the community chest, now it is time to give them something back on their investment. I want my tax dollars to start being used to help my fellow citizens - NOW.
PS Democratic Leaders, assuming you can walk and chew gum at the same time we are going to also ask you to protect the Constitution by stopping nutcase court appointments and start speaking out against the War in Iraq. Get ready to do your jobs.