Unless we forget we lost the last election. Yes, a new approach is needed. Yes, it's time to think outside the box. Yes, the solution may not be in D.C. And I, for one, will support whoever gets the nomination (progressive, moderate, blue-dog, insider, outsider). I will do this because this is my democratic party as much as it is yours. If you don't like it then feel free to leave and form whatever fringe group you wish but you're only hurting yourself and the likelihood that your voice will be of import once we regain power. Why marginalize yourself with such, again, in my opinion, sophomoric attitudes. I am energized by Dean and DFA and this grass-roots movement in our party. It is healthy and necessary and sorely needed. But it is sad that some members debase the many good people of this movement with their rather small-minded intolerance of moderates who, whether you like it or not, gave us the last great president of the United States, Bill Clinton. That was successful and our most honorable former president managed to bring both progressives and moderates together so both our voices were heard, respected, and represented.