Howard posted on the DFA blog today. Read the post below.
Guess who stopped by Democracy for America headquarters today for lunch?
I just read Renee's blog post from yesterday. First of all, thank you! Second, it's great to see the DFA community still out there and vocal in defense of America and the ideal of American community. Third, thank you for defending me personally. I suppose it is a victory for us when the Vice-President disses your mother (it shows what the Republican leadership's values really are) but it is a disappointment nonetheless.
The real story is that the Democrats are on the way back. At the DNC we are raising money, putting people in the field, learning how to frame the debate, putting together a message as opposed to a list of issues, and setting up a communications apparatus (inspired by the Rapid Response Network) where we can be on the air everywhere with a united message. Most of all, we are fighting back!
We have a chance to run a lot of right wingers out of office in 2006 by standing up for honesty in government, and against the culture of corruption which the Republican Party has brought to Washington. We can make changes by standing up for election reform and campaign finance reform. By standing up for health care reform, education reform. By speaking out for a balanced budget and jobs for America. By being clear that we will have a foreign policy based on co-operation and honesty with the American people. By making the Republican Party accountable for the incredible damage they have done to the global environment. And by getting George Bush and Tom De Lay out of our personal lives!
I really appreciate all the support you have given me in the face of the Republican attacks in the last few weeks. Keep using the net, blogs and paying attention to the Daily show (and to NPR as long as it can resist the President's attacks on content). Eventually we will develop a network of sources where the news becomes factual again, and focuses locally on things that matter.
See you in Texas this weekend--it looks like a phenomenal program!