This week's
Globe, a supermarket tabloid that is deadtree only, has a cover story on Hillary Clinton. It's focus is on Hillary's recent
collapse prior to a speech in Buffalo, NY. The tabloid propagates a rumor that Clinton was poisoned, ala
Yuschenko, with dioxin. It's an interesting rumor, but rumor nonetheless.
Before and after "poisoning" images below the fold.
She does look a little haggard in that photo for sure, but jeez, she had the flu.
By coincidence, Hillary is visiting Yuschenko in the Ukraine.
In this image from today, HRC looks fine:
And for comparison's sake, here's an image of Yuschenko and HRC together today:
I think the rumors of an HRC poisoning are just an embodiment of wingnuts' obsession with her. She just really drives those guys nuts; I'd vote for her for president just for the satisfaction of seeing them go apeshit.