Just got off the phone with my mom who's listening to Howie Carr on the radio. Here's what she passed along, for what it's worth.
- Carr says Dean is now within 3 points in the exit polls. (Effectively he's encouraging his listeners to go vote and vote for Dean.)
- One of the Manchester Blockbuster stores is passing out free copies of ABC's Dean interview, according to a report on his program.
- Another hot topic is Clark's supposed last minute gaffe in which he may have said that he had to work hard to afford West Point. (West Point is an all-expenses-paid-with-stipend military academy.) I hadn't heard anything about this supposed gaffe, but Carr seems to think it was important today.
Note that Howie Carr is a conservative radio personality, although "conservative" is perhaps an oversimplification. (Pat Buchanan style, perhaps?) He's pulling for Dean, so he could be considered a Dean partisan -- on a temporary basis, anyway. I think it's safe to say Carr doesn't like Kerry at all.
Carr is a syndicated columnist with his flagship newspaper the Murdoch-owned Boston Herald. His popular afternoon radio show is broadcast on Boston's WRKO, a top-rated AM station that also serves New Hampshire. (New Hampshire has very little of its own media market and is dominated by Boston's.) I'm pretty sure he's #1 in his time slot. It's also very likely that his broadcast is the most popular afternoon program among New Hampshire listeners, so he could impact voting. He certainly has in the past.