If this were a European country, the disparate groups that make up the current GOP would not be together except under a parliamentary coalition. Here, astoundingly, they are under a single party.
Now the spin is that the GOP is a "Big Tent" party and draw a "diverse" array of people. The truth is that the "Big Sign" outside the "Big Tent" reads: "Welcome all single issue voters, corporate fascists, no-tax libertarians and racists. Free beer and pandering. Temporarily out of beer."
Based on the above lie, they claim nearly half the electorate and the american mainstream.
I don't see it this way, and I'm sure neither do you. It's a mandate of loose change from couch cushions.
And with things going the way they are, we are beginning to hear rumblings of internal struggle between the old-school and neocon contingents within the beltway and many disconcerted so-called "values-voters" outside the beltway. So, help me develop a breakdown of the post GOP schism parties, and more importantly an educated assesment of the percentage of the total [Update: 12:36 ]Republican voters[/update] they likely represent.
I will update this regularly to reflect your input. I'll start:
- Anti-abortion Christian Conservative Party - 35%
- Corporate Party - 15%
- Nationalist Party - 15%
- Isolationist Party - 20%
- Anti-Gay Party - 15% [update: 12:25]
Now. I know what you're saying: Anti-abortion Christian Conservative Party should be called just the "Anti-abortion Party", because they aren't very "christian". Well there is a limit, even in fantasy, about what names we would impose on somebody else's party. One could argue then, that they should be called the "Church & State" party, since abortion is just their wedge issue and what they really want is a religious junta. So limits there, eh?
Along those lines we would give the Nationalist Party a moniker like the "White Man, kill everyone else" party. So, while accurate, it is not exactly fair.
While this is a tongue in cheek approach, I am serious. I just don't know any other way to express myself.
In the interest of equal time, I'll also update with any coherent breakdowns of a split Democratic parties. (e.g. the Joe Lieberman Party - party of one)