If you can bet money on it, it's news.
Here's a little something to lighten up the Rove atmosphere...
The latest chapter in the Rove/Plame/Bush scandal involves being able to bet your hard-earned dollars on the outcome! Yes, that's right! Sportsbook.com is now offering odds on the future of one Karl Rove....
this article for more details on the story. I have yet to sign up and put MY money where my mouth is, but I suspect I will.
Do you recall during the primaries and presidential election how accurate the on-line betting spots were on the outcome? I think something like this will give some valuable daily insight on where this thing may be headed (remember, Repubs can now play along AND stay anonymous).
Also, we Kossacks should be able to make some decent coin because we know the details of this story more than anyone out there! And knowledge is power (or money in this case).
In fact, I think there should be a ticker tape-type link on the front page to show where the "Rove bet" is trading everyday! What fun!