What a sad, stupid American day.
What an only in America day.
Poor James Frey--such an easy target.
What a pitiful spectacle. James frey confesses to his lies, er misleading the American people.
"I made a mistake," Mr. Frey (pronounced fry) replied, adding that he had developed a tough-guy image of himself as a "coping mechanism" to help address his alcohol and drug addiction. "And when I was writing the book," he said, "instead of being as introspective as I should have been, I clung to that image."
The media, in full freeding frenzy mode, after shilling for a government of criminal liars for over five years, pounces on a recovering alcoholic.
Imagine the ratings if another recovering alcoholic, George Bush also made a return trip to Oprah's couch. Imagine Mr. Bush confessing to his lies. Then wake-up, it ain't happening.
Why not, Oprah, it's all about ratings, isn't it?
But there he sits in the White House and gets pass after pass after pass. Everyone knows that if his lips move, he's lying, but the media composed of a bunch of cowering sycophants, refuse to confront the sick, stupid coward President of the United States.
"I feel duped," Ms. Winfrey told Mr. Frey. "But more importantly, I feel that you betrayed millions of readers."
She added: "I sat on this stage back in September and I asked you, you know, lots of questions, and what you conveyed to me and, I think, to millions of other people was that that was all true."
Well Ms. Winfrey, I also feel duped. I feel duped by our government. I feel duped by the media who feels empowered to take on James Frey but not George Bush.
I feel duped and outraged that you, the woman America Trusts, feels the need to confront Mr. Frey but you too give Mr. Bush a pass.
You know what I call people like you? I call them bullies.
The sight of Mr. Frey cowering on your stage was an unforgettable image. Mr. Frey is the American Everyman. He is held to a standard that the highest elected officials refuse to adhere to.
And you beat up Mr. Frey. You tar him, you ridicule him, he has become some sort of pathetic substitute for the real criminals in our midst--our government. Slamming James Frey doesn't change the reality--you, Ms. Winfrey, are part of the problem.
Shame on you. Shame on you for not using your immense media empire to shine light on the lies that have killed over 2000 of our bravest citizens. Shame on you for not exposing the lies of the worst government in the history of the republic.
James Frey is easy. Now, how about tackling the tough stuff?
You can read the enitre front page NY Times story about Oprah's takedown of James frey here:
What a sick country we live in.