Dear Diary,
For Tony:
You lied, you cheated, you faked,
You raised the stakes,
Testimony so well rehearsed
And now we see that the bubble's burst
Today I listened in on the WMD intelligence inquiry debate in the House of Commons. I'd say 3 out of every 5 speakers attacked Blair and his Defense Minister, Geoffrey Hoon.
MP after MP ridiculed Blair's WMD claims. Blair was demolished in this debate, which concluded with derison and sustained laughter at Hoon's closing remarks.
If only this would happen to Rumsfeld. That jingo hard-ass, Warner, kept a tight lid the Senate Armed Services Committee proceedings today. If only the Merry Pranksters were still around--Rummy deserves a surrealist taunting.
Anyway, today was a day of joy for me. To see that huge fissure open up in Blair's facade reassured us that Dubya's day of public reckoning draws very close. Aznar is in Washington addressing Congress today and will receive the Medal of Freedom, not a moment too soon before it's all over.
A tidbit of info: Saddam is emprisoned on Diego Garcia per one of the speakers in Parliament.