Once again, the Sunday morning talking heads felt that the most pressing matter facing us today is whether Hillary Clinton will run in 2008. (I suppose it might be better than yet another 2005 recap show, but....)
Every Sunday I watch these pompous windbags (I have a stong stomach) try to tell me black is white, up is down, and Bush is the greatest president since sliced bread and.......Hillary will be the only choice for the Democratic nominee in 2008. And John McCain will be her opponent.
I, once again, do not think that they know what they are talking about.
I'm going to limit the poll to whether YOU would vote for Hillary in the 2008 primaries. But I also want to know in the comments that, if you would not, who do you feel is a viable candidate for the 2008 Democratic nomination? And if you would NOT vote for Hillary in the primary election, and she won, would you vote for her anyway? And if you wouldn't, who would you vote for?
I really want to know what REAL people think, not what the pundits tell me they think.