Congrats to all the San Franciscan couples getting hitched. I hope this is truly a special day for you. Some of the pictures I've seen have been truly heartwarming. All the best in the world to you!
The SF marriages do worry me a bit for two reasons. First, I'm afraid these marriages are going to voided once due process takes it's course. I assume these couples understand this risk, but if it does happen, I'm sure it's going to be painful anyway.
Second, there is something troubling about a mayor taking the law in his own hands, even if it's for a noble purpose. This not is like the Mass. situation where the SC has ruled. This one guy who's obviously overstepping his authority. I agree that sometimes civil disobedience is necessary to advance society, but what if some conservative mayor decides to shut down a Planned Parenthood in his town? Or lock up all the gay folks? Or allow lynchings? Or declare war on Canada?