This year 5761 authors posted 37889 diaries with 4568 bharns of impact ( if you don't feel like looking it up, the short version is 1 average C&J diary's worth of recommendations and comments = 1 bharns of impact).
The graph show the total impact of all diaries posted in each week of 2005; the y axis scale is 0 - 300 bharns per week. A larger version is linked to the thumbnail.
See the extended entry for a discussion of the graph and what tells us about Daily Kos.
The top curve is for all diaries, the one below just for those from the top 200 diarists. Each week the top 200 account for about half the total impact, and the other >5000 diarists contribute the other half.
The stacked bars under the second line shows in detail the impact of each of the top 200 Kosmopolitans. For example the bottom square on each bar is the impact of the diarist who has accumulated the most impact in 2005. I'm not using names because I'm hoping to emphasize what I expect is obvious from the graph: Daily Kos is very much a community blog, a group effort. I should note that front page stories are not included here unless they were promoted from the diaries.
To finish the story in numbers, the top 10 diarists contribute 10% of impact, the top 200, 50%. It takes 1390 to deliver 90%, and the the last 10 percent comes from over 4300 different users.
If you've read them all, then according to Bill in Portland Maine, you've experienced the equivalent of 457 lectures at Harvard Law School. Congratulations, and now please feel free to rejoin the banquet. Don't forget to try the tasty side dishes!
All numbers here are unofficial, based on best efforts to comprehensively collect Daily Kos diaries.