What's going on with the Artist Formerly Known as Hanoi Jane?
It's no secret that the wingnuts just plain hate Jane Fonda. It wasn't that long ago that the Freepers were ready to canonize the guy who spit on her. But little did they know that she seems to be a bit taken by their Dear Leader. In today's New York Post Liz Smith gets Fonda to say some very interesting things. See what she said below the fold.
About Laura Bush:
Jane: (Laughter) I was at the White House correspondents' dinner the other night, and Laura Bush was really funny. Her approval rating is way up, as it should be.
Laura Bush "derserves" to be popular? I'm not really sure why, but then again, at least as far as the Correspondents' Dinner is concerned, it's pretty much standard operating procedure to fawn over whatever the First Lady does. But look at what she has to say about the First Man:
Liz: Did you see the president's press conference before that; I thought he was floundering.
Jane: No, I thought he was very impressive. I don't know him, but I have always thought if I were alone in a room with him, I would really like him.
I never thought I'd see the day when Jane Fonda praised (even if only slightly) a Republican President. So what's going on here? Is Fonda in the process of abandoning the Left? Or us she simply trying to broaden her appeal as she restarts her acting career?