Forgive me if this has been diaried, but I couldn't get search to work, kept getting hung. At any rate, there are bound to be some who missed this, because I did, and I live here.
Anyway, this is so great! I cannot wait to see Dean on Jon Stewart. Who would have believed this would be the case last year? He has really risen from the ashes, like the phoenix. Or should I say the grassroots have risen like the phoenix, because we are truely the wind beneith his wings. They tried to wipe us out by mockery (remember the week of a thousand screams), but I guess they discovered crucifying someone in the press has some limitations compared to the real thing.
Dean is really getting around these days, he was on "The News Hour" just last night. Do you suppose he promised to stay out of the limelight for his first 100 days? He has really come out swinging since then. I like it, I could understand why he was being quiet, but I like everyone else wanted him as chair so he would get the megaphone back.
All I got to say is Yeearrghh!